I took this photo at 6am one hot summer morning. I had previously tried to photograph sunflowers, but during times of high sun, the light reflecting off of the flower made it difficult. Beautiful flowers.
This photo is stunning because of the colors. It really shows how nature can decorate much more brilliantly than any human. Lavender and yellow happen to be two of my favorite colors. The most catching part when the photo is enlarged for print, is the wonderful lime green in the center.
This is my all time favorite photograph from my portfolio. I find it incredibly sensuous.
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Who doesn’t love the Calla Lilly? I have more calla photos than would be considered healthy. My black and white callas are definitely more popular (and my favorites), but I just love how the curves of the leaf compliment the curves of the flower. The color variations of the leaf also seem to flow in harmony with the flower’s curves. Much more complex than one would notice at quick glance.
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Sonoma Coast
I’ve always been obsessed with the ocean and waves. I scurried out of work one morning to photograph some 15 foot storm waves coupled with howling off-shore winds. Sadly, I didn’t consider needing a hair-restraining device and my hair was blowing in front of the lens. Didn’t have a tripod to free up a hand, no shoelaces, nothing hiding underneath the seats of my car. A challenging shoot.
Great sunset photos are a dime a dozen. This one is at an historic temple in Ulawatu, Bali. You rarely notice the foreground in most sunset photos which generally focus ones eye on the sky. With the simplicity of the cloudless sky, the eye is drawn in.
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Terry L. Woodard
Digital technology has given rise to a boom in would be photographers. I’m one of them. While I have always seen the world through my camera, the digital era gave me the tools and the time to pursue it more seriously. Clear, crisp images are nice, but it is still really the eye of the photographer that creates a notable photograph. Photographing nature’s sensuous offerings is a passion of mine. Sharing those images with others makes it all the sweeter.