Hide in plain sight:
dye your hair blonde,
claim to be a “Black Irish,”
product of the mating
between a Spanish
Armada survivor and
a lassie. Drink California
wine without shuddering,
without tasting your people’s
blood. Go on wine tours
to network with alcoholics
who turn pork barrel
politics into silk boxers.
Pretend that English is what
Jesus spoke in Bethlehem.
Praise FBI hunks without
outing them. Praise old men
as if they can still make sons.
Rane Arroyo was a gay, Puerto Rican performance artist, playwright and widely published poet born in Chicago (1954). He published over sixteen books and chapbooks; most recently, the University of Arizona Press published his selected poems, “The Buried Sea” (2008). He died unexpectedly in Toledo, Ohio, on May 7, 2010.