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My Brother Comes Back from Rehab by Ron Riekki

I give him a ride. He’s quiet.
He’d sawed the couch in half.

He was that high. I remember
the couch bleeding its feathers,

how frantic my brother was,
then. He’s quiet now. I’m not

sure, but I think that’s good.


Ron Riekki’s books include My Ancestors are Reindeer Herders and I Am Melting in Extinction (Loyola University Maryland’s Apprentice House Press), Posttraumatic (Hoot ‘n’ Waddle), and U.P. (Ghost Road Press). Riekki has edited eight books, including Here (Michigan State University Press, Independent Publisher Book Award), and The Way North (Wayne State University Press, Michigan Notable Book), and has published poetry in Rattle, Poetry Northwest, fiction in Threepenny Review, Bellevue Literary Review, nonfiction in River Teeth, New Orleans Review, and more. Right now, Riekki’s listening to Ted Hughes read "Full Moon."