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Frequently Asked Questions by Merve Öncü

Where do babies come from? Why is the sky blue? Why aren’t there any more dinosaurs? Why can’t I stay up as late as you do? Why can’t we breathe under the water? How can I fly? Why can’t I eat just chocolate? How big is the world? Why are clouds white? Why do clouds cry? What makes a rainbow? Why do people go to work? Why are there so many languages in the world? Why are there so many countries in the world? Why is the ocean salty? Why do people get sick? Why can’t I see my grandpa anymore? What does “dead” mean? When will you die? What happens when you die? What is heaven like? Why do we have to go school? What is a period? Does it hurt me? Does he like me? Why didn’t he ask me to the prom? What do I have to wear for the prom? Do I look good? Why do we have to take a math class? Why couldn’t I get accepted? Why doesn’t anybody understand me? Why did she give me a C on the paper? How do I know that I'm real and not just a dream of someone else? What is the purpose of life? What is religion? Why is everybody not equal? Why is life not fair? Where is my career going? Where am I going? Is it what I really want? Do I really love him? Does he want to marry me? Am I ready for a family? Can we be happy together? Who should come to our wedding? Did you get flight tickets for our honeymoon? Did you get the pregnancy test? Is it a boy or girl? Why did she say “dad” first? Why isn’t she eating enough? Is she reading enough? Why did she get a C on the paper? Why did she move away? Does she really love him? Did I choose the wrong job? What am I going to cook today? What made me happy? Why didn’t I travel more? Why didn’t I laugh more? Why did I spend so much of my life worrying? Why couldn’t I allow myself to live in the moment? Why did I spend so much of my life working? Why didn’t I play some sports when I was able to? Why didn’t I spend more time with my family? Why don’t my children visit me? What’s next?


Merve Öncü is a recent graduate from Emmanuel College. She studied writing, editing, & publishing as well as business & management. She is originally from Istanbul, Turkey. In addition to writing, she enjoys taking pictures, hiking, and reading books. She loves travelling and exploring new cities and cultures. Currently, she is working as a digital marketing specialist at Inan Group. She also freelances for several companies as a social media coordinator. Merve one day hopes to write and publish a novel.