Two Hawks Quarterly Faculty Advisors
Deborah A. Lott, M.F.A.

Deborah A. Lott, MFA, teaches literature, creative writing, and film courses in Antioch's BA Program. She is the author of the memoir Don't Go Crazy without Me and the book In Session: The Bond Between Women and Their Therapists. Her creative nonfiction has been published widely in literary journals and anthologies, including the Rumpus, Scoundrel Time, Salon, the Alaska Quarterly Review, Bellingham Review, Black Warrior Review, Los Angeles Review, and many other places.
Kathryn Pope, M.A., M.F.A.

Kathryn Pope holds an MFA in creative writing and an MA degree in urban sustainability. Kathryn is a faculty member and writing instructor at Antioch University. Her poetry, fiction, journalism, and creative nonfiction have appeared in The Cape Rock, Gulf Stream Magazine, Teleread, Parenting Magazine, and Emerald City.