Two Hawks Quarterly Faculty Advisors
Deborah A. Lott, M.F.A.

Deborah A. Lott, MFA, teaches literature, creative writing, and film courses in Antioch's BA Program. She is the author of the book In Session:the Bond between Women and Their Therapists and the memoir, Don't Go Crazy without Me. Her creative nonfiction has been published widely in literary journals and anthologies, including the Rumpus, Scoundrel Time, Salon, the Alaska Quarterly Review, Bellingham Review, Black Warrior Review, Los Angeles Review, and many other places.
Caley O'Dwyer, MA, MFT

Caley O’Dwyer, MA, MFT, specializes in both Psychology and Creative Writing and is an Affiliate faculty member in the BA Psychology Concentration at AULA. His first book of poems, Full Nova, was published in 2001 and his poetry on the paintings of Mark Rothko has been on display at the Tate Modern Museum in London and published in numerous literary journals.