we are walking together near 7th and 50th
she’s all black curls and big eyes
I’m all limbs and awkward
the normal “us” things
a ragged-hard looking guy
pushing an empty wheelchair
yells at me
hey man hey man he says
your shirt, I like your shirt
which says Pluto 1935-2006:
revolve in peace
little friend
it’s admittedly a personal favorite
borrowed (stolen actually)
from a female roommate
and this guy is all flailing limbs
gaping mouth and spittle on his chin
and with all of that going on
wanting to talk about dwarf planets
he’s wildly gesticulating
conducting an orchestra
taming a lion
fighting an octopus
he’s so excited
I am sure nobody
has ever been this excited about
an astronomy shirt
I talk with him a bit as I walk
down the sidewalk following
all those black curls
she is my gravity
and I’m saying yes yes I know man
it’s such a shame about Pluto
and then we’re crossing the street
away from him
out of his orbit