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There Are Nights I Imagine by Bonnie Billet

a better childhood

a different mother

nights I dream a field at the edge of a pond

filled with spring peepers

I try sneaking up on them
no matter how quiet I am

the frogs stop chirping

in the dream they're invisible
in Wikipedia they're over an inch long

difficult to find

once there was a red fox

I followed it but it felt cornered

threatened to bite         ran off

I wake at eleven I could clean the fridge

the tub         work at my computer


but I sit in bed         playing solitaire


Bonnie Billet wrote until she was in her late thirties. She was published in several journals, including POETRY. She started writing again after retirement and has been published in numerous journals, including Entropy, Heavy Feather, Ravens Perch, Dunes Review, Oxidant/Engine, and RHINO.