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People Talk About Thunderstorms by D.S. Maolalai

reading people talk
about thunderstorms
in some distant city
I've never been to
but would perhaps
visit someday. Imagine LA:

cicadas snapping
through the night
like stepping on spilled fried
potato peels. the sun
on a highway overpass
and burning pavements white.

I imagine things there
better than anywhere
except perhaps
New York – long roads
past busy corners;
carparks surrounded
by plumbed apartments.
people over shops – the light
a neon flower petal

and the shape of clouds
briefly becoming visible
in a sound like a pair
of shoes down a staircase.
the need to be outside. rain.
the need for anything.


DS Maolalai has been nominated nine times for Best of the Net and five times for the Pushcart Prize. His poetry has been released in two collections, Love is Breaking Plates in the Garden (Encircle Press, 2016) and Sad Havoc Among the Birds (Turas Press, 2019)