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Decidedly by Bruce Robinson

It's been great. Really. I know we've had our
ups and downs, our misconstrued attempts
at levity when all around us is
serious business, the way people say
life hangs by a thread, well it does, you've got
to agree, we could have missed each other
completely, which would not have been all that
terrible, come to think of it, the way

things turned out. But still, its been great, it's just
that I have to go now, I told you we
hadn't much time, I shouldn't have checked
my watch, but there it is, time at your side,
a little too slow or slightly unwound,
like a bullet aimed directly that slides

decidedly wide.


Recent work by Bruce Robinson appears or is forthcoming in Tar River Poetry, Spoon River, Rattle, Mantis, Two Hawks Quarterly, Peregrine, Tipton Poetry Journal, North Dakota Quarterly, and Aji. He divides his time uncertainly between Brooklyn and Albany, NY, as do, though not without protest, his several cats.