Did it occur to the artist in the act of painting
the woman as if she were asleep
to wonder what it was that had made her
so weary that centuries later she’ll still be
sleeping? Each brushstroke mimics arcs
the eyes follow behind closed lids, the signature
of dreaming, graceful patterns,
like those the stoic bodies of acrobats form
in air, practiced & timed so no one ever falls,
with or without a net. Can each brushstroke be said
to be the signature of the woman’s scented breath
as, in her sleep, she murmurs her lover’s name
& then starts to hum a hymn she remembers
from when she was a girl & didn’t know
how tired you can get? Of everything. So
all you want to do is sleep & forget,
maybe whisper in your sleep it all happened
to someone else. To whisper this
until when you wake you believe it,
that words, chanted as if sacred,
can revise everything as a woman sleeps.