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Uneaten Food by Claire Hamner Matturro

Gala apples decay under your dirty

clothes in the closet as blue mold

forms on pasta in the fridge and

a plate of crackers with peanut butter

draws sugar ants across the counter

in the group home where you barely live

like a delusion among shared rooms.

The scent of oatmeal cookies baking

did not silence your broken voice

insisting that anything you eat will burn or

poison. My gifts of groceries waste into

compost with no garden to transform

its sour leavings into flower and food.

I do not know how to feed you.


Claire Hamner Matturro has been a journalist, a lawyer, an organic blueberry farmer, and taught at Florida State University College of Law and University of Oregon School of Law. She is the author of eight novels, including a series of comedic legal thrillers published by HarperCollins. Her poetry has been published in various journals including Slant, One Art, The Lascaux Review, and Glassworks. She’s an associate editor at Southern Literary Review.