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Blue / summons by Susan Kolodny

Sky’s variable hours    indigo   cerulean    The sea’s pages turning
current riffling    we   too   tumbling   floating

We honeymooned in a splendor of azure     Sky and water one
as body with body

Rafted navy dark rivers under skies mottled Prussian blue   Water
repeating sky    apart and not    a dialogue   a marriage

Here  Bay gauzed by fog   blue spruce  beds of grape hyacinth     The City
its hills   skyscrapers    Its bridges    giant sutures   joining   water and sky

Arteries veins     White skin in coldest air      Body deprived of air     Bruises    i.v. caps
hospital gowns     CODE   CODE     Spikes and dips    beeps on the ICU monitor

Like Penelope I would summon you home over water   weaving unweaving
Would call you back    from your solitary wanderings  into and out  of anesthesia

The sea’s pages    light reflecting   absorbing   Aquamarine  gem  protecting those
who travel by water    Against drowning    Fear death by water

Our years and miles of water and sky    inevitable pairings
Our days of cyan and cobalt  navy and  teal   To imagine one of us without

Me without      Am I to lose you    become sky without partnering sea
desert sky deprived of that elsewhere answering element

Susan Kolodny

Susan Kolodny's work appears in New England Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, New York Quarterly, in other journals, several anthologies, and has been featured on American Life in Poetry and Poem of the Day. Kolodny is the author of two collections: Preserve (Finishing Line Press, 2017) and After the Firestorm (Mayapple Press, 2011) as well as of the prose nonfiction book, The Captive Muse: On Creativity and Its Inhibition (PsychoSocial Press, 2000). A retired psychoanalyst, Kolodny lives and writes in Oakland. "Blue / summons" is from her book length, Oculus / color poems.